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Harvey Roberts
Harvey and his wife Marsha, a Louisville native, moved to Dudley Square, at the Episcopal Church Home in Louisville in May of 2020. Harvey was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, specifically, Tacoma, Washington. After graduating from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, he worked as a police officer, a firefighter, and an EMT. While in graduate school for a Masters in Public Administration, he began to work with computers, and was hired by a Kentucky consulting firm in Lexington to develop software for emergency-services dispatching and records systems. After years of consulting, he took a position as the Senior Vice President of Information Technology for the Kentucky Lottery Corporation. He left the Lottery in 2005 and rounded out his career as a software project manager for a major healthcare system, consulting firms, and the Federal government. As he approached retirement, he decided to seek ordination in the Episcopal Church as a Deacon and has served in that capacity since 2017. For the past three years he has been at St. Luke’s Chapel at the Episcopal Church Home where he serves the community as both an assistant chaplain and worship leader. Harvey and Marsha have three sons, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Harvey serves the greater Louisville community as a compassionate companion/caregiver at the Hildegard House. He also is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of St. Matthews Area Ministries, the local non-profit that provides a food pantry, emergency assistance for rent, utilities and other services to local residents in need, in the St. Matthews area of Louisville. He is also the Resident Representative for the Foundation Board of the Episcopal Church Home. Harvey and Marsha are avid gardeners, and are looking forward to another planting and growing season.
Helen Siewers, Acting Chair
Landscape Architect with National Park Service, affiliated with Christ Church Bowling Green, KY.
Rev. David M. Carletta, Ph.D.
Fr. David Carletta is rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Owensboro, where he lives with his wife Susanne and their daughter Lucia. Fr. David and Susanne lived in New York City for three years while he attended the General Theological Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2010 at Grace Church in Newark, New Jersey by the Rt. Rev. Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr., Tenth Bishop of Michigan. Before coming to Kentucky, they lived in New York and Tennessee, where Fr. David served parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of New York and the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee.
Christine Thorowgood, Chairperson- Program and Marketing Committee; Chairperson- Administrative Committee
Christine attends St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Madisonville and has been a member since 2003. She is married with 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren. Christine and her husband, Bob, are celebrating our 50th Anniversary in July 2024. Both retired from the Federal government and moved to Kentucky in 2003. Christine worked for the Department of the Navy and the Justice Department during her career as an Analyst. After retiring, she and Bob established an animal rescue and are proud to say that they found homes for over 700 animals since opening in 2004.
Christine has served on the All Saints Board off and on since 2015.